YouTube was already in deep by 2016, when I first made an attempt at videos. My videos were simple video game theory, analysis videos. The most tepid, lukewarm topic you could imagine. Should be safe from censorship, right?

Alas, no. One video - not monetised - had a petition at the end. A call for peace, one that meekly requested the US government not to sell arms overseas to powers currently at war, and simply asked people to sign.

YouTube retaliated in the only petty way they knew how - they demonitised the already unmonetised video. But they wanted to make explicit. What this meant in reality was my ad-free video was now peppered in ads, because what demonetisation actually means is 'YouTube steals the money'.

They forcefully monetised my unmonetised video with a simple petition at the end, so they could 'demonetise' me and monetise themselves. The video barely got a hundred views, the total monetisation amount arguably less than a cent or two.

When I saw the extensive length they went to enforce such petty acts of pedantry over a *petition discouraging war*, YouTube had exposed themselves for how evil they were. Rather than jump through their hoops of evil, I fired off multiple short videos critical of YouTube itself; oddly enough these didn't get demontised, but they weren't promoted or particularly visible either.

Trying to find my channel, even searching the name and a title of a video is a near impossibility. It is buried multiple pages out.

After I fired off the critical videos, it was impressed upon me I should not even give them the energy of criticism. Every new video reinforces the 'stay on YouTube' model, to 'view YouTube', to give them ad revenue, etc.

So I made a person obligation to:

1) Never post any videos to YouTube ever again

2) To reduce how much I use YouTube and boycott every channel I objected to

3) To always use an ad blocker on YouTube so they always lost money if I ever went there

4) Upload my videos, if any, on any platform *other* than YouTube

I extended the same to Vimeo, given they behaved similarly (blocking uploads).

I will only ever register with a hostile service if it's for the purposes of research (like I'm currently doing on Twitter) or if for some reason there's no market competition (Amazon dominate a lot of the market) and it has something I need.

Current video hosts who behave reasonably are:


Odysee (presently being sold off due to US government suing them into oblivion)


Video hosts who engage in censorship include:



BitChute (geographical censorship is still censorship)

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I have much to say :) For the most part, you are right about all of it. Many will talk, but fall on their knees when it comes to doing what they say. I've listened (in my not-online-life) to friends a family complain and squawk about the world we currently see, yet not a single one has done anything to prepare, nor have most of them even bothered to say NO to government changes.

Personally, I keep some things "close to my chest". I'm fairly aware that I'm not a physical warrior, but don't test me. When He empowers us, we don't always know what's coming, and I'm preparing in multiple ways. For now, I quietly say no to most government demands.

Yeah, we all tend to do the basics, don't steal things, don't hurt people, pay your bills, etc. But other things, health, food, general living are not things I let them control. We tend to buy things outside of the "main stream" (ie: not in stores) when it comes to food, we stock and store what we buy; we use cash, we store cash ... all the easier things to change.

Physical health in my husband's case means he's really limited. I'm going to have to protect him (for now). He can't stand for more than 5 minutes; sitting also causes him pain after a little bit. He's frustrated and angry about his inability to help. He's too immersed in pain to worry about the government, or protesting in public gatherings.

There's other ways tho, even if those ways are much quieter. I pray a lot. Each MUST do what they can, and discover what they are capable of.

Although you are referring mainly to the American political arena with respect to elections, I think in Canada, it will be much the same. I told the few people here who want to see Trump elected that it isn't going to happen, and I believe that so much so, that I told them if every single citizen in the US voted for Trump, he still wouldn't win the Presidency. It isn't that I don't think he should - he's certainly not perfect, but he was a better President than Biden could ever be. I just believed (still do) that Trump Derangement Syndrome isn't the only reason. Control from outside the US will take care of that.

I'm becoming afraid the same will happen in Canada. Many couldn't believe Trudeau won the last election. Currently, he's far behind in the polls, with the Cons having a very commanding lead, but nobody should ever trust any polls.

So, I'm preparing. Quietly, mostly. The less they know about me, the better. (When you don't raise a fuss, you aren't too high up their radar.)

I don't have a driver's license. I have a health card, which I haven't used in 6 years. My passport is about to expire, and probably won't renew it. We have a couple of bank accounts and some investments, but store cash-on-hand.

Dry or freeze foods for storage. Still working on heat and power. A generator does some things (we have a gas one), but a "Generac" that provides power for an entire home is incredibly expensive. I've bought hand lanterns that are powered simply by winding them up by hand. We have a propane bbq (with stored bottles) and a firepit we can use to cook over. Portable solar panels are probably next. For us, lack of heat in winter would be a problem, so still working on that. I'm trying to prepare more than we need for 2 of us. I have kids, and grandkids ... all of whom know what's happening, but think it will go away :\ Several friends are also preparing.

Most look at you as though you're a little nuts. Maybe I am.

I'm waiting very impatiently for Christ's return. In the meantime, I'll be quietly wending my way through a list of things I feel like I need to do, and then move on to preparing for eventualities that may never happen.

It might not be enough, but, it's something, rather than nothing. Well ... at least, it feels like something.

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